The aircraft shown in Figure 4 flew several missions as individuals and in teams. This project had the goal of investigating ap- proaches for the implementation of autonomous tactical UAV control. A small but successful project modified the agent architectures used for simulat- ing fighter pilots so that they would provide autonomous control of a light tactical uninhabited aerial vehicle (UAV). Another thread of research is exploring the addition of the principles of naturalistic decision making (NDM) to agents. By examining the requirements on the environments that suitably support agent activity insights for military simulation development are gained. Many of the issues associated with situating agents in simulations can be addressed in applications outside of the military domain. Throughout the world intelligent agents have been used as computer generated forces in HIL facilities (see Figure 3) and insights into the problems that beset them have been gained from the experiences with agents in constructive simulation. There is the potential for intelligent agents to become an integral part of the human-in-the-loop facilities and are a promising part of studies into distributed mission training and distributed simulation generally. Our work reported here is largely concerned with constructive simulation but for certain applications above there are good reasons for involving flight crews directly in the simulation (the AP3-C development described above). Since JACK is a superset of the Java programming language with agent oriented extensions, and UML can be used to design Java programs, a logical approach would be to extend the UML to enable the modeling of JACK agents. Again an approach taken was to look at what existing techniques such as the UML could o ff er.

Furthermore, with the adoption of newer BDI agent languages such as JACK, design methodologies to support these new languages are required.

This included looking at how to extend the UML’s concept of use cases for requirements specification of a system from a user’s perspective, to one of behavioural specification of an agent system from an agent’s perspective. at issues representing agent communication in UML through the use of AUML (Agent-UML), the research conducted looked at requirements speci- fication, analysis and detailed design of agent systems.