It’s the perfect FM/CM game for me, with FM Live a close second.You have to install it yourself as a new program. I haven’t played this game in many, many years. They will have to be placed in the game folder, which if you’re running Crossover, is located at: /Users//Library/Application Support/CrossOver/Bottles//drive_c/Program Files/Championship Manager 01-02/ The Saturn patch involves downloading a new ‘data’ folder and a new ‘cm0102.exe’ executable. In a couple weeks, there will be a new patch that should give you a July 2017 start date with October 2017 rosters. That’s what you should roll with - right now, that will give you a game that starts in July 2016 with squads and players up to date as of April 2017 in real life. What is even better however is the Saturn patch (latest current version is 2.21+ v3), which is Tapani plus updated data as well as other options. The Tapani patch is up to 2.21.1 these days and that’s basically a must.

(Get it at ChampMan0102 or FMScout - the latter is much faster.) Eidos made the game free back in 2008 (CM 97-98 is also free, which was my favorite before 01-02).

I have the original CD, but no longer have a way to read it, so I downloaded the ISO. Here’s a rough guide to getting Championship Manager 01-02 running on a Mac.